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Δρ Γεþργιος Δ. Σιδερßδης


ΑναπληρωτÞς καθηγητÞς στον ΤομÝα ΕιδικÞς ΠαιδαγωγικÞς και Ψυχολογßας, ΦΕΚ: ΠαιδαγωγικÞ Ψυχολογßα: ΨυχοπαιδαγωγικÝς προσεγγßσεις παιδιþν και ΑμÝα Παιδαγωγικü ΤμÞμα ΔημοτικÞς Εκπαßδευσης, Εθνικü και Καποδιστριακü ΠανεπιστÞμιο Αθηνþν


Georgios Sideridis is an Associate Professor of educational psychology at the Department of Primary Education at the University of Athens. He has been an assistant professor of survey methods at Harvard Medical School and a research associate professor at the Department of Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He received his Ph.D. in developmental and child psychology from the University of Kansas and did postdoctoral work on educational psychology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (through IKY). He is researching (a) motivation and emotions in learning disabilities and (b) sources of systematic measurement error. He has published more than 100 articles in academic journals such as the Journal of Educational Psychology, the Journal of Learning Disabilities, and the Journal of Special Education.  He is associate editor of the Hellenic Journal of Psychology, and he is in the Editorial Board of the Journal of Learning Disabilities, Exceptional Children, Remedial and Special Education, Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, Assessment for Effective Interventions, Reading and Writing Quarterly, Psicothema, European Journal of Education and Psychology, and Ψυχολογßα. He has also served as a Guest Editor for the Journal of Learning Disabilities, Behavioral Disorders, the International Journal of Educational Research and Learning Disability Quarterly.


PhD in Developmental and Child Psychology
University of Kansas


MSc in Education
University of Kansas


Ptychion (4 years degree) in Physical Education
Aristotely University of Thessaloniki


Selected publications (Ν=15)

• Sideridis, G. D. (2005). Προσανατολισμüς στο στüχο, επßδοση και κατÜθλιψη: Ενδεßξεις για την αναθεωρημÝνη θεωρßα των στüχων [Goal orientation, academic achievement, and depression: Evidence in favor of a revised goal theory framework]. Journal of Educational Psychology, 97, 366-375.

• Sideridis, G. D., Morgan, P., Botsas, G., Padeliadu, S., & Fuchs, D. (2006). Πρüβλεψη των μαθησιακþν δυσκολιþν απü τη μεταγνþση, τα κßνητρα, τα συναισθÞματα και την ψυχοπαθολογßα: Μια ανÜλυση ROC [Prediction of students with LD based on metacognition, motivation, emotions, and psychopathology: A ROC analysis.] Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39, 215-229.

• Protopapas, A., Sideridis, G. D., Simos, P., & Mouzaki, A. (2007). Η ανÜπτυξη της λεξικÞς διαμεσολÜβησης στη σχÝση μεταξý αποκωδικοποßησης και αναγνωστικÞς κατανüησης [The development of lexical mediation in the relationship between text comprehension and word reading skills in Greek.] Scientific Studies of Reading, 11, 165-197.

• Sideridis, G. D. (2007). Γιατß οι μαθητÝς-τριες με μαθησιακÝς δυσκολßες Ýχουν κατÜθλιψη; ¸να μοντÝλο ευπÜθεις με την αξιολüγηση του προσανατολισμοý στο στüχο [Why are students with learning disabilities depressed? A goal orientation model of depression vulnerability.] Journal of Learning Disabilities, 40, 526-539.

• Sideridis, G. D., Padeliadu, S, Antoniou F. (2008).ΠροκαταλÞψεις εκπαιδευτεικþν στην αξιολüγηση των μαθησιακþν δυσκολιþν: Μια εφαρμογÞ του πολý-επßπεδου λογαριθμικοý μοντÝλου [Teacher biases in the identification of learning disabilities: An application of the multilevel logistic model]. Learning Disability Quarterly, 31, 199-209.

• Mouratidis, A., & Sideridis, G. D. (2009). Κοινωνικοß στüχοι: Η σχÝση τους με την κοινωνικÞ αποδοχÞ και τη μοναξιÜ [On social achievement goals: Their relations to peer acceptance, classroom belongingness and perceptions of loneliness.] Journal of Experimental Education, 77, 285-307.

• Protopapas, A., Sideridis, G., Mouzaki, A., & Simos, P. (2011). Η παρουσßα του φαινομÝνου «ΜÜθιου» στην ανÜγνωση: Μýθος Þ πραγματικüτητα; [The presence of Matthew effects in reading: Myth or reality?] Journal of Learning Disabilities.

• Sideridis, G. D., & Kaplan, A. (2011). Προσανατολισμοß στο στüχο και επιμονÞ: Ο ρüλος των επιτυχιþν και των αποτυχιþν [Achievement goal orientations and persistence across tasks: The roles of failure and success]. Journal of Experimental Education, 79, 429-451.

• Mouratidis, A., Vansteenkiste, M., Lens, W., & Sideridis, G. D. (2011). Η αλληλεπßδραση προσανατολισμοý στο στüχο και κινητÞριου περιβÜλλοντος: Μια πολυεπßπεδη ανÜλυση στη φυσικÞ αγωγÞ [The interplay between achievement goals and motivation environment: A multilevel analysis of between-students’ differences and within-students variation in intrinsic motivation in the physical education class.] Journal of Educational Psychology, 103, 353-366.

• Morgan, P., Sideridis, G. D., & Youja, Z. (2012). Αυξηση της αναγνωστικÞς ευχαßρειας σε μαθητÝς-τριες με μαθησιακÝς δυσκολßες: Μια μετÜ-ανÜλυση των ερευνþν με μεθοδολογßα ενüς ατüμου [Increasing oral reading fluency by students with learning disabilities: A meta-analysis of the single-subject literature]. Journal of Special Education, 46, 94-116.

• Sideridis, G. D. & Padeliadu, S. (2013). Δημιουργßα μιας σýντομης αξιολüγησης των μαθησιακþν δυσκολιþν: Μια εφαρμογÞ με το μοντÝλο Rasch [Creating a brief rating scale for the assessment of learning disabilities: An Application of the Rasch model]. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 46, 115-132.

• Stamovlassis, D., & Sideridis, G. D. (2013). ΥποχρÝωση προσÝγγιση και αποφυγÞ: Μπορεß μια καταστροφικÞ σχÝση να εξηγÞσει τη λειτουργßα τους; [Ought approach and ought avoidance: Can a catastrophe explain their functioning?] Nonlinear Dynamics Psychology and Life Sciences, 18, 67-90.

• Mavropoulou, S., & Sideridis, G. D. (2014). ΣτÜσεις προς τον αυτισμü μετÜ απü επαφÞ [Attitudes toward ASD as a function of contact]. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44, 1867-1885.

• Sideridis, G. D., Simos, P., Papanicolaou, A., & Fletcher, J. (2014). Η χρÞση των επιβεβαιωτικþν παραγοντικþν μοντÝλων στην αξξιολüγηση της λειτουργßας του εγκεφÜλου: ΑνÜλυση μεγεθþν του δεßγματος [On the use of SEM for evaluating functional connectivity in the brain: Sample size considerations.] Educational and Psychological Measurement, 74, 733-758.

• 15. Sideridis, G. D., Tsaousis, I., & Katsis, A. (2014). Μια προσπÜθεια να μειωθεß το συστηματικü στατιστικü σφÜλμα με την χρÞση των μοντÝλων HGLM [An attempt to lower sources of systematic measurement error using hierarchical generalized linear modelling]. Journal of Applied Measurement, 15, 1-24.